Task 3: Identify the text structure.
Now, bring a recipe from home.
Read the recipe that you have brought from home, and fill in the blanks below.
Title: How To Make Pancake
- 1 cup all purpose flour.
- 2 tablespoons of sugar.
- 2 teaspoons of baking powder.
- ½ teaspoons of salt.
- 1 cup full cream milk.
- 2 tablespoons of unsalted butter or vegetable oil.
- 1 egg.
- Toppings such as maple syrup, honey, strawberry jam or chocolate syrup.
The 1st step: Add flour, sugar, baking powder, and salt into a small bowl. Whisk them together and pour into a medium bowl.
The 2nd step: Add milk, butter or oil, and egg. Mix the dry ingredients. Whisk until just moistened. Remember, do not overmix.
The 3rd step: Heat a cast-iron or non-stick pan. add oil. you can rub the pan with oiled paper towel.
The 4th step: Pour two to three tablespoons of batter onto the pan. You can use the back of the spoon to spread the batter.
The 5th step: Let it cook until the surface has bubbles and a few bursts.
The last step: After that, flip the pancake carefully and wait until browned. Then Serve warm and add some toppings.
Disclaimer : Latihan soal dan jawaban ini berupa pertanyaan terbuka yang artinya ada beberapa jawaban tidak terpaku seperti di atas. Semoga bermanfaat.
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