What do they say about the things?


1. Beni says Edo’s dog has fierce eyes. But, Edo says that his dog is friendly and playful.

2. Siti says Lina’s rabbit is white like snow. Her rabbit is also very cute. Lina agrees with Siti.

3. Dayu says Udin’s cat is adorable. She asks Udin if his cat is heavy. Udin says his rabbit is heavy.

4. Dayu says Siti’s hamsters have very large cheeks. Siti agrees with Dayu. She also says they eat a lot.

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5. Edo says that Dayu’s chicken is very fat. Dayu says that her chicken eats very often.

6. Lina says that Siti has a cute turtle. Siti says she gets the turtle form her parents.


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