Vocabulary Builder
Task: Match the meaning.
Read the following list of words and their meaning.
Check whether the words on the left match their meanings on the right.
Identify two words which do not match their meanings.
Correct them. Discuss your work with your chair-mate.
Task: Match the meaning Bahasa Inggris kelas 12 halaman 153
Task: Match the meaning buku Bahasa Inggris kelas 12 halaman 153.
1. Sorrow: e. a feeling of great sadness.
2. Bliss: b. perfect happiness or enjoyment.
3. Dread: c. to feel worried about something that is going to happen or may happen.
4. Conceive: d. imagine a particular situation that is going to happen or may happen.
5. Grace: a. polite and pleasant.
6. Strangle: f. to limit the growth or development of something.
7. Crucify: g. to kill someone by crucifying them to a cross.
8. Glow: h. a soft steady light.
9. Plain: i. very clear and easy to understand.
10. Entire: j. all of a group, period of time, amount, etc.
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