Task 1: Read and summarize the text.
Read and find further information about more tips to improve your photo qualities by using Photoshop by opening the following link: blog.udemy.com/how-to-use-photoshop/
After that, summarize the tips that you get from the website.
1. Name of Tools: The zoom tool
Procedures: Can use the zoom tool or keyboard shortcuts to alter the image or workspace view in Photoshop.
This tool lets you resize windows, center the view on a location, or zoom continuously.
2. Name of Tools: Color tools
Procedures: changing an image to black and white, adding a sepia tone to create an antique feel, overlaying a portion of the image with color, or changing the background color.
3. Name of Tools: Selection tools
Procedures: Can use selection tools such as the lasso tool to draw an outline directly around the person and then alter the clarity or tone of that part of the image without changing the background or other elements within the image.
4. Name of Tools: Brush tools
Procedures: Let you select and alter the colors and opacity of different layers.
5. Name of Tools: The clone tool
Procedures: Select an area that is crisp and uncluttered, clone it, and then layer it over the original area to repair it.
6. Name of Tools: The crop tool
Procedures: Remove unwanted sections that are easily lifted out.
7. Name of Tools: Shape tools
Procedures: Create drawings using an ellipse, polygon, rectangle, triangle, line, or custom shape.
8. Name of Tools: Eraser tools
Procedures: Erase mistakes or remove elements you do not want in your final product.
9. Name of Tools: Additional tools
Procedures: Pinpoint the eye area without altering the rest of the image.
Disclaimer : Latihan soal dan jawaban ini bukan bocoran penilaian harian. Ini hanya sebagai referensi belajar bagi siswa. Jika ada kesamaan soal maka itu hanya kebetulan saja.
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