Task 2: Complete the table.
Read the model text again, and then write in the table below the appropriate parts of the procedure text.
Goal: How to breed leopard geckos
Things you need:
– Cage for Geckos (20 gallon for two, 10 gallon more for each additional female)
– Laying box (A plastic container filled with damp moss for the female to lay in.)
– Incubation Medium (usually Perlite)
– Lots of crickets dusted with calcium for egg growth
– Very small crickets for the babies.
Steps 1: Get a male and female leopard gecko
Steps 2: Prepare a large cage for the male and female to live in together.
Steps 3: Get the incubator ready for the eggs and provide a lay box.
Steps 4: Ready the laying box to put in the cage
Steps 5: Place the eggs in the incubation medium.
Steps 6: Observe the developing embryos
Steps 7: Have tiny crickets readily available.
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