Warmer: Broad Race
Your teacher will divide the students into four groups.
Every student in each group will race to the board and write a noun or a verb related to cooking in turns.
The group that writes most nouns/verbs is the winner.
See the example.
Group 1:
– Bake
– Chocolate
– Ingredients
– Glass
– Measuring cup.
Group 2:
– Banana
– Dip
– Cop
– Bowl
– Melt
– Freeze
Group 3:
– Sugar
– Strawberries
– Whipping
– Cream
– Microwave
– Stir
– Baking Sheet
– Decorate
Group 4:
– Mix
– Prepare
– Almond extract
– Refrigerate.
Disclaimer : Latihan soal dan jawaban ini berupa pertanyaan terbuka yang artinya ada beberapa jawaban tidak terpaku seperti di atas. Semoga bermanfaat.
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