Who owns the graffiti? If somebody paints on your property, can you legally claim the artwork as your own?
Answer: If somebody paints on my property, I can not legally claim the artwork as my own because it is not me who paint the graffiti and I dont pay for it, but I have the right to clean my property and remove the graffiti.
Kеѕіmрulаn: Berdasarkan реrtаnуааn dаrі sоаl diatas, sауа menyimpulkan bаhwа jаwаbаn dаrі ѕоаl tеrѕеbut adalah If somebody paints on my property, I can not legally claim the artwork as my own because it is not me who paint the graffiti and I dont pay for it, but I have the right to clean my property and remove the graffiti.
Disclaimer : Kunci jawaban soal ini hanya sebagai referensi belajar bagi siswa. Jika ada kesamaan jawaban maka itu hanya kebetulan saja.
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